Membership in Renaissance Alliance

Our membership in Renaissance Alliance is a sign of our commitment to bring our customers the highest quality products and services available today. Renaissance Alliance members are a carefully selected group of independent insurance agents. Quite simply, our membership indicates we are among the highest performers in our industry. As part of the process of becoming an Alliance member, we satisfied intensive due diligence of our:

  • Financial stability
  • High service standards
  • Adherence to best industry practices and standards
  • Integrity and superior commitment to the highest of ethical standards
  • Progressive and forward-thinking management
  • Excellent record as a fair and honest employer
  • Our commitment to our local community

What this means to you:

In an era when companies are growing larger and more impersonal by the day, as your independent agent we are committed to being your trusted local business partner in providing you with insurance knowledge and products to best protect you, your family and your business. As a Renaissance Alliance member, we can offer you all the advantages of a large national insurance company or an insurance banking institution while providing you with personal accountability and localized services.

  • Dozens of premier insurance companies to provide wide market availability to meet your specific protection needs
  • Scale and volume to afford the most favorable policy terms and premiums
  • Superior technology and efficiency
  • The highest levels of insurance expertise